Reliable Nationwide Parcel Shipping

Better rates, fast delivery, and reliable capacity so you can meet the rising consumer demands in delivery.

Give your business a reliable parcel shipping partner that makes things easier instead of adding headaches. With Delivered, you'll have peace of mind on every parcel delivery.

Contact Delivered

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Tracking Parcel-1Track a Package

Tracking Parcel-1Track a Package



Track a Package




Track a Package



Better Rates


Better Rates

Our asset light model uses cutting edge technology allowing lower overhead for lower prices.

Faster Delivery


Faster Delivery-2

Our nationwide network has an average transit time of 2 business days for 90% of the US population.

How we're different

Reliable Capacity


Our network is structured differently to create capacity where and when demands are the highest and to serve a wider range of product types and sizes.

Delivered specializes in parcel shipping solutions that account for all items and the demands of your business's unique needs. You won't have to worry about your parcels being left behind. 


How we're different

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Simple carrier diversification

We operate under our own label, nationwide. We take care of your parcel from pick up to delivery and provide tracking to your customers for the complete journey.

With Delivered as your parcel shipping partner, we take unwanted surprises out of the process. Our team of experts in parcel delivery keep your customers top of mind. 

How it works

Carrier Diversification

Big & Bulky Parcels

Our parcel shipping network is designed so your business will never receive capacity limits or delays due to a parcel's weight and size.

How it works


Give your customers what they want, when they want it.

Standard Truck REsize Small-2

The 2-day speed you need at the ground rates you want.

Contact Delivered



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Exist to improve front-3

We exist to improve parcel delivery 

We believe that the evolution in customer expectations needs a flexible delivery infrastructure that eliminates inefficiencies and puts the customer first. So we built a way to adapt to changing customer needs. Delivered.

How we work

Brand expectations. Delivered.

Contact Delivered